Sorry I have been so quiet since my surgery! I honestly don't get on my laptop much because it just reminds me that I have to do my online class, so I avoid it. Terrible, I know! Unfortunately, the work has to be done by midnight tonight, so while I am doing that, I figured I would post something!
The surgery was extremely successful and went as expected. He was able to remove the tumor and all the affected areas (which I don't think there was much of). I got a little nervous before going back and had a little cry with my mom. Right after my cry, my surgeon came in (have we mentioned how much we love him?) and said "so you ready for your gender reassignment surgery?". I laughed and felt better after that :). I was back there about 4 hours and then in recovery for several more. I really don't remember much from that day (or that week really...I know my aunt and cousin were here, but I can't remember any details!). I do remember wanting my mom when I woke up, and luckily my nurse was nice enough to sneak her back into the recovery room and let her stay with me! It took FOREVER to get a room, but I was thankful to be able to recover on the 5th floor (which is where I usually go). It definitely helped to have familiar faces! I ended up being in the hospital from Tuesday (surgery day) to Saturday (we left by noon). Longer than I had anticipated, but definitely what was needed.
It has been a rough week or so of recovery. Much rougher than I expected. The pain I've felt is probably only second to my previous experience with mouth sores (pretty sure nothing will EVER beat that). It has improved a lot over the course of the week, which is good. I still cannot get up or down stairs very easily (you should have seen my family trying to get me in the house when we first got home...I can laugh about it now). I have been camped out on the main level of the house. Thankfully, we have a pull out sofa in the living room and a half bath. I don't know what I will do about showering once I can, but I haven't been able to anyway (don't worry I've still been washing off with a wash cloth!). I was sent home with a walker, crutches, and a wheelchair. I have mainly been using the walker to get around when I do, but I hope to practice more with the crutches so I can start to use those.
I have gone on little walks with my mom down the street. I make it about 2 or 3 houses before I have to turn back. It takes a lot of effort for me to walk, since I can really only put weight on one leg, and I have to push the walker. Plus it has been SO very hot, which is just not fun for many reasons. I am definitely looking forward to fall! I know we have a good while before the temperature actually drops, but my scarves are ready!
So, I have been spending a lot of time in bed, not doing my school work. I have been on painkillers, so I have slept a lot. I finally stopped taking one of them today, just because I was so tired of how they made me feel. I have not been super productive, but I have gotten a lot of snuggle time with Stanley! He is the absolute best and I am so thankful he is here! I wanted a cuddly dog for when I am stuck in bed, and they do not get more cuddly than Stanley.
I am still experiencing pain in my leg. I have quite an elaborate pillow set up for my leg and if ONE pillow moves an inch, it throws the whole thing off. I can finally get in and out of bed myself (as long as my walker is close to the bed), so that is a big improvement. I am not good at sitting around and having people do for me and bring me stuff. Sure, it is nice at first, but I start to feel bad. I know my parents (especially my mom) don't mind at all, but I am a pretty independent person, so I think it is just my nature. I also don't like waiting, so I would much rather go and do myself! I know I will be back to myself as soon as I can!
I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow. I am assuming he will look at the incision to make sure things are healing properly, and we will discuss the pathology. I have not been as anxious about it as I expected to be. I am hoping for the best (that the tumor was completely dead or mostly dead), but know that anything could happen. I am not sure when chemo will start or what that schedule will look like yet, but promise to keep everyone updated. If y'all wanted to send some good thoughts/prayers/wishes my way for the pathology tomorrow I would appreciate it :).
I also have my first physical therapy appointment tomorrow. I have a bunch of appointments set up, but obviously will have to adjust once chemo starts. I am excited because I want to get back to my fully capable self, but I also know it is going to be hard. It will probably hurt and it will probably wear me out. It is all for good though, and I am extremely motivated to be able to get back upstairs!
I know this post is long, but one more fun thing happened this week. On a particularly rough day, my dad brought inside a package for me. It did not have a clear return address, so we didn't know what it was. I opened it to find another box FULL of One Direction merch. There was a t-shirt, a tank top, a license plate, and all kinds of fun stuff from their current tour. There was also a picture that had a note attached that said it was hand signed by the boys! It made my day!! I cannot thank whoever made this possible enough. I have been shown SO much kindness during all this, and I promise I will pay it all forward as soon as I am better!
So that's it from here! One of my best friends is stopping by on her way back down to school and then I have to finish up some work for my class (which is online...minus the three times we have to be onsite to take exams! If anyone knows of any good proctoring sites in Greenville, please let me know!). I am hoping to get out of the house this week and maybe get to some stores...I really wanna decorate my walker :).
Thanks for all the love and prayers for my surgery! They were much appreciated and I felt so loved!

I love this quote, but couldn't help but use it on this post since I am walking a bit more slowly than usual :).

My first walk down the street! I have informed the 2016 Olympics that I will not be able to compete next year in any of my scheduled events. They understood, but I know it will be a big loss to the team. Hopefully America can forgive me ;)
I don't know why the awkward spacing between pictures, but anywhere here is me with all the One Direction goodies I got! I almost bought that tank top at the concert instead of the t-shirt, so it is a good thing I didn't!
Two seconds before this he was running around like a lunatic...he literally just crashed!
I've been hobbling onto the deck swing the last two days to get a change of scenery and of course he joins me! He loves to be outside!