I have to be at the hospital at 5:30am tomorrow. That should be fun (not!). I go straight to preop where they will do whatever they do there, and surgery should start around 8. I think the surgery takes anywhere from 2 1/2-4 hours (different people have told us different things). I will spend a few hours in recovery, then hopefully no more than 2 days in the hospital. I think the part I am dreading most is being back stuck in the hospital. I already want to come home, so I am hoping my stay is the shortest length possible!
I will do my best to post either on here or Facebook when I can! If I don't, I will definitely have my mom. I am extremely excited for tomorrow to be over and to have this step behind me. If you text me tomorrow (or my mom I'll go ahead and throw in there) please don't be offended if we don't answer right away! It is going to be a little bit of a long day, but we will do our best and obviously appreciate all the thoughts and prayers! It is a major step in this "journey" so I am happy to cross it off my list!
I honestly have felt pretty good today. I'm a little anxious, but mainly just ready to get it done. I wish that there was no reason for me to be having this surgery, but since I can't do anything about that, surgery it is. I hate that I won't know what to expect when I wake up. Not even really pain wise, but like how I will feel. Surgery is what is gonna take this stupid disease out of me and for that I am thankful!
I got to spend some one-on-one time with the little boy I babysit/nanny last week while his sister went back to school. I don't often get them by themselves, so I really enjoyed getting to spend time with just him. Anyway, I asked him if he was excited to start school (he starts Tuesday) and he said he was a little bit and that it was going to be a medium day. I then told him that I was going to be having surgery and he said "oh then it is going to be a bad day for you". I then explained that it was actually good, since it is taking what is making me sick out, and he replied "then it is a medium day for both of us!". I loved his way of putting it, and he is exactly right. It is a medium day :).
It is also my brother's last first day of high school tomorrow (I feel like it was just my senior year!)! I hate that all this is surrounding it and that my mom will miss it (my dad is staying to see him off then coming up to the hospital). I know he will be fine, but I can't help but feel bad that all this is happening during such an important time in his life. It will all be fine, I know, but still. It just sucks!
I am not going to lie, I had a really bad, "why me" kind of day yesterday. I moved into my apartment on Saturday and spent the rest of the weekend. It was SO hard to leave yesterday. I was pretty bummed the rest of the day once I got home. It just sucks that all my friends are back and school and I am not. I hate this. It isn't fair. I love the prospect of a new school year and the feeling of the first day (good thing I will be a teacher!). I am so mad I am not getting that this year. I should be at school in my apartment. It really, really just sucks. I just hope that I can be back there in January!
On the bright side, my aunt and one of my cousins are driving down tomorrow. I am SO excited they will be here. Surgery still sucks, but I am excited they will be here to keep me company! I felt so much better about everything once I heard they were coming. It will be so great to have them here!
I think I will sign off here for now! I will do my best to keep you all updated, I promise! In the mean time, any thoughts/prayers for a smooth procedure, easy recovery, and good pathology report are appreciated! And also some for my parents because I am sure waiting while I'm in the OR will be very hard for them! The nurse said they get frequent updates, but still I am sure they will worry!
Thanks for all the continued love and support!

2 of my best friends (and roomies!)! We built that Ikea table in the background all by ourselves, so of course we had to take a picture! (you can also kinda see how my hair is coming in!).
My room at school! Sorry the lighting is so bad.
Still missing a lot (left some stuff at home on purpose and by accident hahae) and I need to print recent pictures!
My pre surgery gift to myself was this new purse. I had been carrying my old one for almost two years, so when I saw this one I had to buy it! It ended up being $30 less than I expected too :).
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