While it may not go down in history as my favorite Thanksgiving ever, I am still choosing to find things to be thankful for. Obviously I cannot list it all, but I will hit some highlights. Before experiencing something like this, I am not sure I ever really understood how people can be thankful when times are hard, but now I do. I am NOT thankful for cancer. It is a horrible, crappy disease and one I wish I had 0 experience with. I am choosing to see all the good that has come with the bad (which it has...worth it or not).
I am SO UTTERLY thankful to not be in the hospital this Thanksgiving. If my schedule was even one week off it would have run us close, so I am extremely thankful that was not the case.
I am thankful for time with my family. We have had a rough few years, but anytime we are all together is always my favorite. I wish we could all live down the street from each other! We always eat and laugh a lot...which I think is the best medicine. I am thankful they are making the long treck down here (dogs included) so we can all be together. We have 0 plans other than to cook, eat, and lounge! I cannot wait!
I am thankful to live in an area that is playing a large role in the cancer world. I completely trust my doctors 100%. I have recieved excellent care, basically in my own backyard and I do not for a second take that for granted. I am so thankful we have not had to travel for treatment and when I get to come home, I get to go home to my home!
I am thankful for my nurses. They work SO hard and I hope they know how appreciated they are. Some truly go above and beyond their call of duty. I am going to miss them! A good nurse and tech seriously make my days at the hospital so much better! I hope they know how thankful I am for them everyday.
I am thankful that my treatment ends and ends SOON! Some people have chemo for years and years. I am also extremely thankful for my outcome. They throw the word "cure" around easily in the cancer world, and while no one knows what the future holds, I should be fine after this. I just gotta get to December 22!
I am thankful for the ability to complete my classes online. While I complain and procrastinate, I know it will be worth it in the long run to have these classes completed. Modern technology gets a bad rap sometimes, but I am extremely thankful for the opportunities it has provided me!
I am thankful for my friendships. This is one area where I have struggled recently, but I am thankful that my friends are sticking by my side as we work to get back to normal. And I know we will get there!
I am thankful for ALL OF YOU! The support these last almost 9 months has been incredible. I love seeing/hearing about everyone recieving their t-shirts! All the sweet comments, notes, etc make my day. I don't know how I or my family would have gotten through this without you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I am thankful for Stanley. It sounds cheesy, but I honestly cannot picture going through this without him. Besides being absolutely adorable, he has the best personality. He provides so many laughs and snuggles...I am so thankful we found him when we did!
I am thankful for the progress I have made in my recovery from surgery. Although not as fast as I expected, progress is progress. As a matter of fact, the last two days I haven't used my crutches at all! Even to go into the cancer center! I am so thankful they were able to replace the bone instead of some other terrible alternative. I will get back to where I was! It still looks a little funny when I walk, but I am happy with the progress! I am still not 100% pain free all of the time, but it is nothing like it was. I am thankful I am young and otherwise healthy, so healing is going well.
I am thankful for my brother. This whole experience has not come without sacrifice on his part as well. He and I have always had a pretty good relationship, and this has made us closer I think. He never complains about literally anything. I know sometimes I get a lot of the attention and need a lot, but you will never hear him complain. He is shaping up to be an amazing person, and while I am sorry he had to experience this, I hope he too has learned somethings that will help him in his future endeavors. A little braggy moment, despite everything he has managed to apply to like 5 schools and has amazing grades (he is much better at school than I ever was!). And he always offers to help me with my math anc computer science homework which I appreciate!
I am thankful for my dad. He has handled all the stuff with school which I can only imagine is a mess. He is always down to bring me a meal while in the hospital (because that food...still vile). Sometimes we buttheads, but I know he will always be there and just wants me to get better. He may not be the best cook, but he is the best at throwing stuff from the freezer in the oven ":). He will always run to the store if I get an random craving (which happens a decent amount thank you chemo). I know he will be thrilled when all this is over for me.
I am thankful for my mom. She always goes above and beyond for me. No matter how tired she is too, she never complains about helping me with whatever I need or getting me food. She spends every night in the hospital with me. She never leaves my side (good and bad ;) ), but will always come when I need her. She has definietly seen me at my worst and I am so thankful to have her as my mom.
I am thankful that so far, I feel pretty good. Of course, chemo side effects take a few days to hit full force, but I am hoping I can at least get through tomorrow okay!
I am thankful for long grocery lists because it means we have the money to buy delicious food to eat. I am thankful to have a comfy bed and clean PJs to wear. I am thankful for my Bath and Body Works room plug in that makes my room smell good and festive. I am thankful for blankets and a roof over my head, especially as it gets colder. I am thankful it is almost officially Christmas season. I am thankful for for an excess of warm and cute clothes. I am thankful candles and cozy nights in. I am just thankful for all the little things that sometimes go unnoticed.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that maybe you will share something you are thankful for! I try to reflect on on at least one thing a day. We all have so much to be thankful for, despite what we may be going through. Whether it be family, friends, or even just having food to eat and water to bathe in. And hey you aren't in the hospital! That right there is something to be thankful for! May you all have a lovely holiday, no matter what you are doing to celebrate!
Second to last outpatient chemo...check!
Yall just wait for my post holiday pictures....we got Stanley and his dog cousin Otto matching Thanksgiving sweaters. Obviously I had to try Stanley's on him...I can't help it!
Have a wonderul holiday no matter what you are doing or who you are spending it with! I am off to wrap a few things up before my cousins get here this afternoon! All the love...xoxo