I start to crave writing after I don't for awhile, but there really isn't much to say (which is a good thing!).
Things have been a little more stressful than usual around here. Nothing earth shattering, but enough to make 2015 not one of my favorite years (probably quite the understatement).
In the midst of all the stress (which is easy to get sucked into), there has been some good things. The good things always seem to appear when you need them most!
First off, the success of the t-shirt campaign warms my heart! I am so so so thankful to everyone who has bought one. They should be delievered around Thanksgiving. If you haven't gotten one yet, you have FIVE more days so don't wait! Here is the link: https://www.booster.com/strongandsassie129. I am so excited for them to get delievered! I hope you will all feel the love and gratitude I (and my family) have for you when you wear them.
Also on a sidenote, be sure you are following my Facebook page I created! Updates and such are being posted there. You don't have to be friends with me on FB to like the page! I really regret not doing this all the way back in March! https://www.facebook.com/strongandsassie/
Today I was graciously gifted one of those fancy KitchenAid mixers. I was so surprisd! Pre-cancer me used to bake pretty regularly. I still love to bake, I just haven't recently. I honestly cannot remember the last time I did!! This is a great thing to have because it will require a lot less energy on my part! The mixer will do all the hard stuff, which is great considering my energy level is pretty low these days. It has inspired me to get back to baking! Plus the timing is great with the holidays coming up! My cousins and I have already been texting about what all we can bake!
I don't even feel like "thank you" are the right words, but they are all I know to say! Somehow when this is all over, I will find a way to properly thank everyone! In the meantime, please know that every message, gift, thought, prayer, etc is all so appreciated. It may be 8 months later, but my gratitude for all the support has been constant. I am extremely lucky to have such kind and generous people in my life.
I am hoping the next few weeks go quick! I love this time of year and I cannot wait for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my favorite! We have always celebrated with my cousins, but usually we go to them. This is the first year they are coming here! We haven't all been together in so long and I am SO excited. Even the dogs are coming so we will literally all be together. It cannot come soon enough!!
On a different note, I had a lot of people tell me to keep up with school as it will be a good distraction. Friends, school is still school and homework is still homework. It is hardly a distraction. It still stresses me out! My math class started a few weeks ago and guess what? I still hate math. I know I will be happy to have these classes out of the way in the future, but right now they are getting in the way of me watching Fixer Upper (which I have become completely obsessed with). I have more to say about school, but will save that for another post soon!
I haven't been up to much! I had PT yesterday. I really cannot wait till I can go routinely. It is so hard to schedule now with chemo and everything. I am progressing despite not getting to go very often, which is good news. I still have quite a ways to go before I am back to normal, but everyone seems happy with my progress thus far.
I am very thankful the nausea was extremely mild this last round! I had a few days of mouth pain, but nothing major ever developed. I have had a pretty decent appetite. I feel like I am eating so much, so I expect the scale to reflect that. I haven't gained anything, but stable is better than losing! I have been extra tired. They say chemo accumulates and I think I am really starting to feel that. Chemo fatigue is real!
I have a doctor's appointment Thursday then will be admitted for Methotrexate this coming Monday and the Monday after. I cleared pretty quick last time, so fingers crossed for a similar experience! One Direction's new CD comes out next Friday and I am really hoping I am home so I can go to the store and buy it! After these next two weeks, I will only have TWO inpatient chemos left! I will be so happy when they are done!
I am hoping to get some errands done these next few days. I need to get some wintery hats and it has been too long since my last Target trip! I need to see all the fun holiday stuff that is out!
I want to remind everyone who wants to visit, PLEASE make sure you are healthy and have not recently been sick or around sickness. My immune system is not what it used to be thanks to chemo and I really need to avoid sickness! I don't want any extra hospital stays or to get off schedule with chemo! We are in flu season and that is so the last thing I need to catch! Even a simple cold could earn me a trip to the hospital, so please just remember this should we discuss a visit! I admit I have not really been up to visitors lately (see above about exhaustion). I go through spurts though, so please just make sure you talk to me or my mom first!
Well, this was a long post about nothing, so I am going to sign off. Just trying to keep focusing on all the good and hoping everything else will work out! I hope everyone is having a good week and adjusting to the time change! I always feel like it should be Christmas as soon as the clocks change! I haven't listened to any holiday music yet, but I did just order a bunch of stuff from Bath and Body Works in my favorite scents (winter candy apple and vanilla bean noel), so music may be next :).
As usual, here are some recent pictures!
That would be my leg in the middle there...glad the dogs were comfy ha!

This was his festive day shirt :)
Stanley was a dinosaur for Halloween! We ended up getting him some relaxer pills from the vet to prevent mass chaos with the doorbell ringing all night. I am not sure they even did any good! He is a crazy little dog and not much stops him!
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