
Sweet 16

Monday, April 13, 2015

Well, we are coming up on a month since this all started. I have been trying to figure out what to do on that day to distract myself from the feelings March 16 caused. It is just not a day I want to ever go back to.

16 used to be my favorite number actually. I don't have a particular reason, I just always liked it. I am not going to let this experience change that.

I'm sharing this in hopes that some of you will also participate. You don't have to, but I plan on it.

I wanna make this Thursday, April 16 sweet. To do that, I wanna spread kindness. This could be as easy as holding the door open for someone or as fancy as paying for the person behind you at Starbucks. Anything to make the day a little "sweeter" for someone! Maybe you can send a text to someone you've been thinking about or just be a little nicer to a sibling. Say yes to something you usually say no to or bring a friend their favorite treat. It doesn't matter what it is, just do something! And maybe go a little out of your comfort zone to do it!! I know I hate doing stuff like that, but this whole experience is out of my comfort zone, so it can be done!

I seriously struggle with finding any meaning in this deal. The only way I can accept it a tiny bit is if some good comes from it. This is just the start.

Feel free to share this post! And share what you do to make it a "sweet 16" (it should also be noted that I love cheesy names and to play on words so this worked too perfectly) here on this blog or on Facebook! 

You never know what people are going through or dealing with so a simple act of kindness may make their whole day. 

Love to you all! 


  1. Maybe keep this going the 16th of every month.....

  2. That's what I am thinking too! :)

  3. Maybe on the 16th of every we can all go to our nearest Brusters for ice cream to remind us to be sweet on the 16th in your honor! ~Linda

  4. Hi, Samantha! - This evening, I left a tip for a young server at a table that I wasn't eating at (at which I wasn't eating? Please excuse the awful grammar). It was so much fun today to look for opportunities to do something nice.
